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Integrated mental health and substance abuse services

Treatment and services are provided to support a person’s recovery from co-occurring mental illness and substance addiction through a single agency or entity. These integrated mental health and substance addiction service programs are evidence-based and have been identified by researchers, experts, and practitioners as effective for adults involved in the criminal justice system.

Local Examples

Franklin County, MA Franklin County Sheriff's Office (FCSO)

  • The sheriff's department implemented a treatment program for people in the jail that is trauma-informed and integrates mental health, substance addiction, and primary care services.
  • By integrating behavioral health services--including social workers and case workers--with primary care services, FCSO is able to more effectively coordinate mental health and substance addiction treatment and provide comprehensive care.
  • A key component of FCSO's integrated service approach is that multiple medication-assisted treatment options are available for people that meet medical criteria for alcohol use disorder and opioid use disorder, including buprenorphine/naloxone and naltrexone.
For more information on this example, see this resource:



3 - Increase connection to treatment
4 - Reduce recidivism

Last updated: April 21, 2019