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Conducting Timely Mental Health Screening and Assessment in Jails
This webinar discussed the importance of timely screening and assessment in jails and provided examples of processes that counties can use to screen people booked into jail for mental illness Read More
Developing an Infrastructure of Support in California
Stepping Up: The California Summit -- Jan. 19, 2017 -- State leaders discuss ways to establish a foundation across California on which to build and harness the extraordinary momentum of the summit. Read More
Behavioral Health Data and Information Sharing
Stepping Up: The California Summit -- Jan. 19, 2017 -- Collaboration between criminal justice and behavioral health agencies is necessary to ensure appropriate levels of care and supervision for people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system. Speakers explore federal and state laws, while providing guidance to overcome challenges. Read More
Stepping Up: The California SummitStepping Up: The California Summit
Stepping Up: The California Summit -- Jan. 18, 2017 -- During this keynote session, the presenter will discuss factors that have contributed to the current prevalence of people with mental illnesses in jail, lessons learned from past efforts to address this problem, and what it will take to have a true systems-level impact. Read More
Stepping Up: Key Considerations for Reducing Mental Illness in Jails
Counties are “Stepping Up” to reduce mental illness in their jails. Two challenges that people with mental illnesses face before, after and during their involvement with the justice system is right to counsel and access to housing. Both of these factors can have a significant impact on whether a person is arrested, how long he or she remains in jail, and his or her success after release. During this roundtable, national experts and county practitioners will discuss challenges and opportunities and outline how changing the provision of these services can help to reduce jail populations, save money and ensure the safety. Read More