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Community-based crisis stabilization

This type of crisis stabilization consists of short-term case management services that seek to reduce a person’s symptoms of mental illness such that they can achieve stability in the community. Ultimately, community-based crisis stabilization reduces or prevents admissions to psychiatric inpatient care, jail, and/or other higher levels of care. 

Local Examples

Waukesha County, WI Waukesha County Health and Human Services

  • The community-based crisis stabilization program is for people who have frequent contact with emergency response systems due to unmet mental health needs or needs that may result in a crisis if not met.
  • Referrals are made to Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services from several sources, including self-referral, Waukesha County Jail, law enforcement personnel, community-based agencies, or Waukesha County Psychiatric Inpatient Unit.
  • People referred to the program meet with a crisis stabilization clinical therapist for an assessment to determine the medical necessity of the service and, if appropriate, consent to a crisis plan.
  • Services may include mental health and substance use treatment; employment services; housing assistance; education; economic support; and other needed services as identified.
  • A team of case managers meet with the clients regularly for direct assistance and linkage to services, and the clients meet with a crisis stabilization worker weekly to review the crisis plan and update service status.



1 - Reduce bookings into jail
3 - Increase connection to treatment

Last updated: October 28, 2022