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Prioritized strategies for system improvement

Upon gathering the data and completing the process analysis and inventory of services, the planning team selects and prioritizes strategies intended to impact one or more of the four key measures. Each strategy is accompanied by a detailed description of funding needs, projections of the impact it will have, potential external funding streams, and which gaps in funding, if any, may be best met through county investment.

For more information on this intervention, see this resource:
Local Examples

Fulton County, GA Fulton County Justice and Mental Health Task Force

  • The task force developed a prioritized list of recommendations, identified the related Stepping Up key measures, and estimated the associated costs and time frame.
For a sample from this example, see this resource:

Champaign County, IL Champaign County Sheriff's Office

  • County leaders developed a prioritized list of strategies based on the Stepping Up four key measures.
For a sample from this example, see this resource:

Policy & Practice



Last updated: April 21, 2019