Shared definition of recidivism
A single definition of recidivism is adopted and consistently used by local behavioral health systems, jails, courts, and probation and parole agencies for their Stepping Up efforts. This definition accounts for the premise that rearrests, convictions for new crimes, and the return to custody for violating conditions of release (i.e., technical violations) are each important, yet distinct, ways of measuring whether a person has recidivated. Additionally, a similarly consistent time period for reporting recidivism data (e.g., three years from release) is determined.
For an example of this intervention, see this resource:
Local Examples
Franklin County, OH Franklin County Board of Commissioners, Office of Justice Policy & Programs
- The county's Stepping Up Initiative team worked to develop a shared definition of recidivism for the county.
For more information on this example, see this resource:
Policy & Practice
Last updated: April 21, 2019