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Mobile crisis services
Mental health professionals are available to respond to calls, either on the scene or as a follow up, at the request of law enforcement officers. These professionals can then begin the assessment process, provide acute on-site crisis stabilization, and facilitate connections to needed care and services. Some teams may also… Read More
Vision, mission, and goals statements  
Having agreed-upon vision, mission, and goals statements for a county’s criminal justice, behavioral health, and racial equity initiatives ensures that stakeholders have a shared language to use. Counties are encouraged to adapt the local examples to their jurisdiction’s needs and stakeholder expectations.  … Read More
Case management team
Law enforcement officers work with behavioral health professionals and pretrial and probation officers to develop specific solutions to reduce the likelihood someone will have repeat interactions with law enforcement. This approach–which often includes outreach and follow up–aims to keep people connected to mental health and community services and following their… Read More