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County mandate

A county resolution or other formal commitment from the governing body is passed that provides a clear directive for behavioral health and criminal justice system administrators to implement the systems-level changes necessary to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in jail.

For more information on this intervention, see this resource:
Local Examples

Maricopa County, AZ Maricopa County Board

  • Signed a county proclamation in support of Stepping Up on May 4, 2015.
For a sample related to this example, see this resource:

Rockland County, NY Rockland County Legislature

  • Signed a county resolution in support of Stepping Up on June 16, 2015.
For a sample related to this example, see this resource:

Pettis County, MO Pettis County Commission

  • Signed a county resolution in support of Stepping Up on June 9, 2015.
For a sample related to this example, see this resource:

Policy & Practice



Last updated: April 21, 2019