Train dispatchers and call-takers for mental health-related calls
Dispatchers and call-takers are trained to identify and appropriately respond to calls that may have a mental health component. This can include mental health awareness, verbal de-escalation techniques, appropriate triage and dispatch protocols, and coding of mental health calls. Read More
Train judges and court professionals
Judges and court staff–including public defenders, prosecutors, and pretrial services personnel–are trained to recognize and respond to people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system. Read More
Prioritized strategies for system improvement
Upon gathering the data and completing the process analysis and inventory of services, the planning team selects and prioritizes strategies intended to impact one or more of the four key measures. Each strategy is accompanied by a detailed description of funding needs, projections of the impact it will have, potential… Read More
Screening and assessment process for substance addiction
Every person booked into jail is screened for substance addiction using validated screening tools. For those that screen positive, a licensed mental health professional administers a validated clinical assessment in a timely manner. Crucial case information is then disseminated to appropriate decision makers to inform pretrial release decisions and the… Read More
Screening and assessment process for mental illness
Every person booked into jail is screened for mental illnesses using validated screening tools. For those that screen positive for serious mental illness, a licensed mental health professional administers a validated clinical assessment in a timely manner. Crucial case information is then disseminated to appropriate decision makers to inform pretrial… Read More
Response policy for law enforcement
A written policy helps officers determine the proper procedure when encountering an individual with mental illness in different scenarios. Read More
Referral form for family members to identify mental health needs of people in jail
Family members of people in custody can inform the jail of the person’s mental health needs. Read More
Pretrial risk assessment
A validated pretrial risk assessment is administered prior to every person’s first appearance in court/arraignment to inform pretrial release, eligibility for pretrial diversion, and conditions of pretrial supervision. Read More
Prescriptions and medications provided upon release
People leaving jail are prescribed and given access to an appropriate supply of needed medications upon release to avoid harmful–and potentially unsafe–disruptions in care. Read More