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Identify “high utilizers”
Counties are tracking people who frequently utilize multiple systems and designing interventions to address this high-need population. Read More
Comprehensive process analysis
A person’s movement through the justice system is traced, from their first contact with law enforcement to the final case disposition. By including detailed information–including data that specifies capacity needs–the planning team is better positioned to identify opportunities to improve services and prioritize needs. Read More
Train jail personnel
Jail personnel are trained to recognize and appropriately respond to people with mental illnesses. Read More
Uniform release of information forms
A person can grant written permission to release his or her health information, which facilitates information sharing. Jurisdictions may obtain an authorization or consent form at various stages of the criminal justice process, such as at initial contact with law enforcement, at jail booking, or when joining a mental health… Read More
Train law enforcement officers
Law enforcement officers are trained to recognize and appropriately respond to people with mental illnesses and co-occurring disorders. Training commonly includes information about the signs and symptoms of mental illness and crisis management and intervention techniques. Read More
Train judges and court professionals
Judges and court staff–including public defenders, prosecutors, and pretrial services personnel–are trained to recognize and respond to people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system. Read More
Train dispatchers and call-takers for mental health-related calls
Dispatchers and call-takers are trained to identify and appropriately respond to calls that may have a mental health component. This can include mental health awareness, verbal de-escalation techniques, appropriate triage and dispatch protocols, and coding of mental health calls. Read More
Suspension and reactivation of health benefits
The jail is aware of state policy regarding the status of people’s Medicaid and SSI/SSDI benefits once they are booked into jail. If allowable, the jail staff suspends benefits upon booking and reactivates prior to release. If termination is required, jail personnel assists with re-applying for benefits so that they… Read More
Shared definition of substance addiction
A single definition of substance addiction is adopted and consistently used by local behavioral health systems, jails, courts, and probation and parole agencies for their Stepping Up efforts. This ensures that all systems are using the same measure to identify people who have substance addiction, which may encompass substance addictions… Read More