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Mental health professional embedded in law enforcement agency

One or more mental health professionals work within the law enforcement agency alongside law enforcement personnel to provide expertise and support for mental health-related calls for service and encounters.

For samples related to this intervention, see this resource:
Local Examples

Cumberland County, ME Portland Police Department

  • The embedded behavioral health coordinator collaborates with care providers, manages the co-responder program, and facilitates officer training.
  • The embedded mental health liaison, substance use liaison, and interns from the local university respond to calls alongside officers.
For more information on this example, see this resource:

Middlesex County, MA

  • The Front Line Initiative is a regional crisis continuum of care embedded within five local law enforcement departments in Middlesex County.
  • The program provides access to embedded co-response clinicians, certified prevention specialists, recovery support clinicians, outpatient supports, and emergency assistance to minimize unnecessary emergency room visits and to divert people from the criminal justice system when possible.
  • The program utilizes evidence-informed and data-driven strategies to build positive community outcomes.



1 - Reduce bookings into jail
3 - Increase connection to treatment

Last updated: October 3, 2022