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Data dashboards
Data dashboards compile information on key indicators such as the Stepping Up four key measures; housing and homelessness measures; etc. Data dashboards provide an easily accessible snapshot of statistics so that counties can track their progress over time and identify potential areas for improvement. Read More
Identify “high utilizers”
Counties are tracking people who frequently utilize multiple systems and designing interventions to address this high-need population. Read More
Jail-based competency restoration
When a court determines that a defendant is not competent to stand trial, it often directs the defendant to inpatient treatment at the state hospital until competency is restored and they can return to the court. This is not always an efficient use of resources, and the process may take… Read More
Comprehensive process analysis
A person’s movement through the justice system is traced, from their first contact with law enforcement to the final case disposition. By including detailed information–including data that specifies capacity needs–the planning team is better positioned to identify opportunities to improve services and prioritize needs. Read More
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR)
SOAR is an approach designed to facilitate the preparation, submission, and approval of Social Security Insurance/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI/SSDI) applications. The approach includes training for case managers, development of clear procedures, and technical assistance for participating agencies to facilitate the preparation and submission and improve the accuracy of SSI/SSDI… Read More
Prioritized strategies for system improvement
Upon gathering the data and completing the process analysis and inventory of services, the planning team selects and prioritizes strategies intended to impact one or more of the four key measures. Each strategy is accompanied by a detailed description of funding needs, projections of the impact it will have, potential… Read More
Representative planning team
A representative planning team is established that includes key leaders from the criminal justice and behavioral health systems, people who have mental illnesses, mental health advocates, and representatives from county, municipal, and state government, as appropriate. The planning team, which includes a designated chairperson and a project coordinator, has established… Read More
Information-sharing agreements
Agencies establish information-sharing agreements that both protect people’s privacy and support the need to share, with relevant partners, the case-level results of screenings and assessments that inform key decisions related to pretrial release, diversion, discharge planning, and specialized pretrial and post-conviction community supervision. These agreements align with federal and state… Read More