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Data dashboards
Data dashboards compile information on key indicators such as the Stepping Up four key measures; housing and homelessness measures; etc. Data dashboards provide an easily accessible snapshot of statistics so that counties can track their progress over time and identify potential areas for improvement. Read More
Uniform release of information forms
A person can grant written permission to release his or her health information, which facilitates information sharing. Jurisdictions may obtain an authorization or consent form at various stages of the criminal justice process, such as at initial contact with law enforcement, at jail booking, or when joining a mental health… Read More
Permanent supportive housing
An evidence-based model that combines affordable housing and flexible supportive services for people experiencing homelessness, including those with criminal justice histories and behavioral health needs. Criminal justice agencies can partner with housing agencies and providers to develop supportive housing programs that target individuals who are leaving prisons and jails. Read More
Screening and assessment process for mental illness
Every person booked into jail is screened for mental illnesses using validated screening tools. For those that screen positive for serious mental illness, a licensed mental health professional administers a validated clinical assessment in a timely manner. Crucial case information is then disseminated to appropriate decision makers to inform pretrial… Read More
Screening and assessment process for substance addiction
Every person booked into jail is screened for substance addiction using validated screening tools. For those that screen positive, a licensed mental health professional administers a validated clinical assessment in a timely manner. Crucial case information is then disseminated to appropriate decision makers to inform pretrial release decisions and the… Read More
Crisis stabilization centers
Crisis stabilization centers provide short-term access to emergency psychiatric services for individuals experiencing crisis. These centers often provide constant supervision throughout a person’s stay. Some centers provide care for less than 24 hours, while others provide short-term residential stabilization services. Policies are established that enable law enforcement officers to efficiently… Read More
Arrest warrants reviewed by mental health provider
The jail allows their mental health provider to see arrest warrants, which the provider scans for people that receive or have received services from their agency. Once identified, the provider can follow up to see if diversion options are available for the person, assist them through the criminal justice process,… Read More