Reentry case workers
Jail-based case workers connect incarcerated individuals to treatment and other community-based services upon release from jail. Read More
Comprehensive process analysis
A person’s movement through the justice system is traced, from their first contact with law enforcement to the final case disposition. By including detailed information–including data that specifies capacity needs–the planning team is better positioned to identify opportunities to improve services and prioritize needs. Read More
Uniform release of information forms
A person can grant written permission to release his or her health information, which facilitates information sharing. Jurisdictions may obtain an authorization or consent form at various stages of the criminal justice process, such as at initial contact with law enforcement, at jail booking, or when joining a mental health… Read More
Community service directory
A resource directory, often kept online, is available to help people with criminal justice involvement and their families identify local reentry resources, including behavioral health services. Read More
Cross-training for probation, parole, and treatment providers
Probation and parole officers and community-based treatment providers are trained to recognize and respond to people with mental illnesses under community supervision. Read More